Throughout March, in honor of International Women’s Month, we are shining a spotlight on women in the trades who are challenging stereotypes and building solid futures through their education at Capital Region BOCES.
Kira St. Andrews is “wiring” herself for future success through our Network Cabling Technician/Smart Home Technology program and challenging perceptions about who can be successful in the skilled trades at the same time.
“It’s a good course; you can make good money in the industry,” said St. Andrews. “I know there aren’t a lot of women in the trades and I would like to do something about that.”
St. Andrews is one of 15 students now learning the skills needed for success in the network cabling industry in the Network Cabling Technician/Smart Home Technology program on our Albany campus. St. Andrews is the only woman enrolled in the course this year, and just one of two who have taken the program during its three-year history.
“It’s a good class and we all work together,” said St. Andrews. “I like hands-on work and I learn better when I am doing something. My grades have gone up because of [the learning style.]”
Recruitment Now Underway for 2022-23
Interested in learning skills for one of today’s in-demand careers? Want to do it your own way? Students in our component districts are encouraged to explore our Career & Technical Education program and its 40+ offerings.