Seesaw for Families
- Seesaw for Families is a one-stop shop to view your student’s work and communicate with their teacher.
- Families/caregivers will receive an email from the student’s teacher with a link to the site.
- From there, you’ll be asked to create a Seesaw account if you don’t have one already.
- Each student can have more than one family member/caregiver attached to their journal.
- You can manage more than one student within the app, under one log-in.
- Families/caregivers are only able to see their own student’s work.
- Check out this Getting Started Guide.
- If your personal device is set to a language other than English, Seesaw will automatically translate directions and comments.
Connect to Your Student’s Journal
Through the website on your computer, navigate to
- Choose “I’m a Family Member”
- Sign in or create an account using your email address
- You will automatically be linked with your student’s teacher and journal.
There are three tabs
- Home – Find announcements and/or general information
- Journals – This is where you’ll see your student’s posts and activities
- Your student’s classes will be listed. Click on one to enter it.
- You will see a feed of your student’s activities and can watch them, “like” them, and add comments that both your student and teacher can see. You can even record audio comments if your student is a non-reader.
- Inbox – This is where the teacher will post information or send messages for parents/caregivers
Announcements that the teacher sends home will be posted here. You can also privately message the teacher from this tab. Please note you may only message the teacher after they have sent a message first.
Account Settings – Adjust your personal information and decide how often and what types of notifications you’d like to receive from the site.
Mobile vs. Desktop Access
There are a few differences when accessing Seesaw for Families on a mobile device.
- You won’t choose a role in the app because it’s only for families/caregivers.
- You can toggle between your private messages, and the class-wide notifications.