Level: Elementary, Middle and High School (center or district-based programs)
Recommended Ratio: 6:1:2 or 8:1:2
This program is designed for students:
- with significant cognitive delays.
- who also have multiple disabilities with delays in speech and language, motor development and social emotional development.
- who are eligible for the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA).
- who demonstrate mild to moderate difficulty in self-regulation and behavior management.
- who demonstrate difficulty and significant delays in self-care and daily living skills.
- who have significant difficulty generalizing skills from one setting to another.
Related services are provided in supports to school personnel on behalf of the student to accomplish several things:
- to assess the student more diagnostically in the classroom;
- train all staff in the classroom intensely on the student’s needs;
- determine the appropriate level of related services the student will need after this assessment and training period.