Securely Store Documents for Instant and Easy Access
Maintaining an efficient and effective method for storing digital documents can be time-consuming and, on a tight budget, a challenge to manage.
While document storage is not always a priority, it certainly becomes one when you have an urgent request that leaves you scrambling.

Digital document storage helps to eliminate file cabinets and paper costs. This is possible by storing documents safely and securely for instant and easy accessibility.
Our Laserfiche scanning software provides you with training on how to back up your documents for both long and short-term storage. This “electronic file cabinet” enables you to access documents with ease, perform comprehensive and efficient searches, eliminate photocopying, and protect your data.
Districts can store documents safely and securely for instant and easy accessibility. With Laserfiche document management, district staff can organize, share and retrieve documents using a safe and cost-efficient folder structured database. This service enables faster response to information inquiries and reduces manual data entry time, expenses and errors, which, in turn, greatly helps districts get closer to normal following a disaster or other emergency when records are lost.
What to Expect
Document scanning
You can scan your documents in multiple sizes and multiple scan sources (one side, both sides, flatbed scanner and multiple colors).
Multiple views of documents
View your information in a variety of ways, including:
- Full-screen,
- thumbnail view,
- OCR text view, or the metadata field associated with the document.
User-friendly search engine
Through several search options, you can easily retrieve scanned documents in a proficient, user-friendly manner.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Once your document has been processed through the OCR engine, you may then search a document by a single word or phrase within a document.
Secure document storage
Your digital database will be protected from unauthorized users. Data is stored through our secure data center, which is backed up every 24 hours and equipped to automatically run battery and generator power in the event of a local electrical failure.
Contact us today to learn how we can simplify your document management system.