Actuarial Services

We Can Help You  With Your GASB 75 Requirements 

Every organization must meet specific governmental accounting reporting requirements. This is hard to do without personnel devoted to this time-consuming task.

Since accountants cannot perform the necessary actuarial duties, organizations are often left in the dark as to how to meet these important requirements.

We provide clients with knowledge and support from actuaries certified through the Society of Actuaries. They will complete government requirements that affect yearly audits, budgets, and state aid eligibility.

We acquire and analyze data, review bargaining contracts and work directly with actuaries on behalf of our clients.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you meet your specific accounting standards.

We Offer Ancillary Services That Can Assist With Other Challenges You May Face

Some services we are offering include but are not limited to:
● Healthcare consulting
● Plan design and contribution analysis
● Budget projections
● Health plan opt–out analysis
● Medicare advantage and EGWP strategies
● Renewal negotiations
● Healthcare analytics

These services are eligible for BOCES aid.

Contact Us to Discuss Your Needs