New school year will bring upgrades to Schoharie Career and Technical Education Center

A renovated Career and Technical Education Center – Schoharie Campus will greet students during the 2024-25 school year, with technology and safety upgrades enhancing the learning experience for more than 200 students.

Starting in September, students will be able to take the Welding and Metal Fabrication program on the Schoharie Campus with the new classroom taking the space previously occuplied by heavy equipment program.

One of the most popular Career & Technical Education programs offered, Welding and Metal Fabrication had previously only been available to students on the Career & Technical Education Center – Albany Campus.

A new five-bay, 4,500-square-foot building, which was constructed during the 2023-24 school year, will now house the heavy equipment program’s equipment.

Students returning to the Schoharie Campus will also notice renovations and upgrades to the Automotive Trades Technology, Cosmetology and Culinary Arts and Hospitality Technology classrooms. 

And, Career and Technical Education Director Jeff Palmer said, BOCES is offering in partnership with the Schoharie Central School District in September, an Early Childhood Education program in that district. 

Open to all area schools, the new class represents the expansion of the program currently only offered on the Albany Campus.

a building with a sign out frontOn the safety front, a new driveway configuration is being constructed this summer that will allow drivers to enter the campus at one location and leave at another. That work will ease congestion and increase the safety for those turning onto, and off, state Route 30A, Palmer said.

The 2024-25 School Year opens Sept. 5 for students on the Schoharie and Albany campuses of the Career and Technical Education Center.  Approximately 1,400 students are enrolled in 28 programs offered on the two campuses, as well as off-campus locations, such as Proctors, St. Peter’s Hospital and Ellis Hospital.