The Capital Region BOCES Engagement and Development Services (EDS) received 16 awards for work submitted to the annual New York School Public Relations Association’s (NYSPRA) communications contest. The winning projects, ranging from written works to videos and graphic designs, were selected among hundreds of contest entries from across the state.
The NYSPRA Communications Contest is an annual event that recognizes the work done by school public relations professionals. The awards are presented within three categories: “Excellence, “Honor” and “Merit.” Although it’s a statewide competition, the projects were judged by communications professionals from all over the country, according to NYSPRA’s website.
EDS team members won awards in each category with works that elevate the voices of students, staff and administrators, and promote unique programs, as well as the successes of their client school districts.
“It’s a huge honor to be recognized for the massive effort and teamwork that goes into these far-reaching and strategic projects we do for our clients. It feels good to take a moment and enjoy a pat on the back for a job well done,” said Tara Mitchell, BOCES public information specialist serving the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district.
“Renewing Spaces, Inspiring Futures: It Starts with K-5”— a strategic campaign by Mitchell and Lindsay Quackenbush, on behalf of the Burnt Hills-Ballston Central School District, won an Award of Excellence.
“My absolute favorite part of this job is when I get to team up with my talented colleagues to tell stories, unlock creativity and push boundaries. I am proud to see them get the recognition that is so well-deserved,” said Quackenbush, senior communications specialist for digital content.
Denielle Cazzolla, a public information specialist serving Liberty Central School District in Sullivan County, had two written works win an Award of Excellence.
“These two [stories] were my favorites to write because they’re inspiring— ‘Rainbow’ for one of our student’s personal accomplishments and ‘New Technology’ for being such a forward-thinking project. It’s gratifying for my work to be honored by my peers,” she said.
Congratulations to all 2024 NYSPRA Communications Contest winners! Please see below a full list of the EDS team’s winning projects.
Award of Excellence winners:
Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central School District
Strategic Campaign: Renewing Spaces, Inspiring Futures: It Starts with K-5
Tara Mitchell, Lindsay Quackenbush
Guilderland Central School District
Video: Guilderland Central School District Unified Program
Video: Each One Teach One
Toma Vardhami, Patrice Vivirito
Liberty Central School District
Excellence in Writing: Beyond the Rainbow
Excellence in Writing: New Technology Brings History to Life
Deni Cazzolla
Middleburgh Central School District
Video: Middleburgh CSD Experiential Learning
Toma Vardhami, Diane Donato
Stillwater Central School District
Excellence in Writing: Tumbling towards kindness: Elementary students combine community service and STEAM learning for exciting project
Natalie Rowan
Award of Honor winners:
Broadalbin-Perth Central School District
Strategic Campaign: Meet A Patriot Video Series
Krissy Tompkins
Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education
Special Purpose Publication: Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Courses Guide
Michael McCagg, Jennifer Sampson
City School District of New Rochelle
Overall Graphics & Design: Logo Redesign and Branding Guide
Bethany VanVelsor
Morristown Central School District
Video: Making Space for Success: Morristown Central School District Capital Project
Brittany Frank, Zach Ribert
Niskayuna Central School District
Video: Serving Up Kindness
Video: Why We Appreciate Them
Lindsay Quackenbush, Emily Burkhard
Tri Valley Central School District
Photograph: Future Firefighter! Tri Valley Central School District Career Day
Erica Miller
Award of Merit winners:
Lake George Central School District
Photograph: Last Day of School Bubble Party
Marcy Reisinger
Mohonasen Central School District
Website: Mohonasen Central School District
Bethany VanVelsor, Jesse Gigandet, Ken Petersen, Kelsie Conroy,
Conner Dickson, Hannah Hurley, Dal Orengo, Sarah McNamara