Zoey Lukasik, a 2018 graduate of the Career and Technical School (CTE) cosmetology program, has set her sights on the big screens of Hollywood.
Lukasik aspires to a career as a special effects and makeup artist. This fall, she will further her studies at the El School of Professional Makeup in Los Angeles.
“I have had a real interest in learning more about special effects and the makeup in movies and fashion shows since I was a little kid,” said Lukasik.
Lukasik learned the basics of makeup and special effects at Capital Region BOCES CTE. During the fall of their junior year, students practice using makeup and other techniques to create effects such as bullet holes, bruises and other hideous wounds.
“I learned quite a bit about the materials and techniques used for theatrical makeup,” said Lukasik, who applied what she was learning during her high school years at local theater companies such as Proctors and The Palace. “Capital Region BOCES gave me the skills to take the next step into my future.”