March 2022 Commitment Award For Improvement

Our Cooperative Virtual Learning Academy (CVLA) team has received our March 2022 commitment award for improvement.
Members of the team include Melissa Boucher, Jaime Gibbs, Rachel Romanowicz, Carrie Sunkes and Meaghan Whitten.
In nominating the team for this honor, the Northeastern Regional Information Center’s (NERIC) Assistant Superintendent Michael Doughty, Instructional Technology Service Manager Lora Parks, Deputy Director Roxanne Pombrio and Supervisor of Instructional Resources Mike Sylofski had this to say:
“The CVLA Elementary team improved the organization by successfully building and implementing this new program from the bottom-up over the last eight months. Building this new program has required constant monitoring and adjusting resulting in consistent improvements to the experience for staff and students as the year as progressed. The commitment demonstrated by this team has enabled approximately 275 K-6 students in 34 districts across New York state to continue with school from home and other remote environments.
As CVLA principal and leader of the team, Carrie Sunkes has created a ground-breaking program that is providing a high-quality alternative for students requiring a remote option due to medical and other related reasons. Under Carrie’s leadership, CVLA Elementary has quickly evolved into a model for successful virtual learning for younger students, with a number of other programs around the state leveraging the innovation CVLA developed to improve their programs.
Jaime Gibbs is an invaluable member of the team by her support for the social/emotional well-being of all CVLA students, both through her direct involvement in student wellness and by connecting support staff from home districts to CVLA students with special needs.
Rachel Romanowicz is the glue behind the scenes at CVLA Elementary, successfully managing a tremendous and complicated flow of student data accurately and securely between the CVLA program and all of the home districts.
Melissa Boucher is providing a lead instructional technology eye and support to teachers and students in CVLA, a critical resource in a program that cannot function without the successful operation and use of technology.
Meaghan Whitten is leading the support in CVLA Elementary for Seesaw, the primary online learning platform at the foundation of the program. Meaghan’s commitment to ensuring teachers are effectively leveraging Seesaw to connect with students and parents is crucial to the success of teaching and learning in CVLA Elementary.”
The Commitment Awards were established to recognize employees who embody each commitment to a significant degree, and is one part of a three-tiered recognition program to build a culture of gratitude through acknowledgment and appreciation. Our Commitments — SERVICE, VALUE, EXCELLENCE, IMPROVEMENT, LEADERSHIP — embody what we do and who we are.