International Women’s Day Student Spotlight
On International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re highlighting young women who got their start in the skilled trades at our Career & Technical School.
On International Women’s Day (March 8), we’re highlighting young women who got their start in the skilled trades at our Career & Technical School.
Local education and business officials recently joined at the Center for Advanced Technology at Mohonasen for a celebration of the first cohort of students to complete Certified Production Technician training. The Certified Production Technician program is designed to “skill-up” incumbent workers who are looking to advance their careers and enhance the education of an unemployed or …
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More than 600 educational administrators, instructors, students and business partners gathered at the 30th Annual Regional Technology Awareness Day to share and show how technology can inspire student learning. The annual event hosted by the Northeastern Regional Information Center (NERIC) showcases cutting-edge education technology innovations and includes discussion on ways that schools can use technology to …
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Recently, our Shared Transportation, Regional Food Service Management and Pharmacy Purchasing Coalition services were honored with the New York Department of State’s “Regional Impact Award” for the significant benefits these projects offer local school districts. Members of our Management and Administrative services teams accepted the award from New York Secretary of State Rossana Rosado during …
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Kudos to Brian Lacroix who has been named 2018 Teacher of the Year by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). LaCroix, who has taught in our Automotive Trades Technology program for 12 years, was selected from a pool of candidates from around the country based on his “deep appreciation for students, excellence in …
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Heather Soroka has joined the BOCES Board of Education as its newest member. She was unanimously appointed by the board at its regular meeting on August 20, 2018 to fill a position left vacant following Board Member Jeffrey Bradt’s resignation in June. Soroka currently serves as vice president of the Watervliet City School District board and is …
While the song says that summertime means easy livin’, at BOCES it’s also the season of meaningful learning for students of all ages. Career & Technical School Cosmetology Summer Program More than 50 cosmetology students spent a month at the Career & Technical School’s (CTE) Albany and Schoharie campuses upping their professional game and practicing …
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Congratulations are in order for the students from across our BOCES who received certificates of completion, honors and awards during our 2018 graduation ceremonies. Moving up and transition days for our younger students were held in many of our programs, as well. Highlights from events held throughout our BOCES this June: Career and Technical School (CTE) …
Graduating Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education (CTE) students are making a lasting gift to the Schoharie community through improvements along Fox Creek. On May 16, students in the Commercial Construction/Heavy Equipment program began work on a project to improve the safety of the area leading to the Fox Creek Bridge. Once completed, an …
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A cement truck, an employment offer, and some sound advice from graduates. Callanan Industries delivered all three to the Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School (CTE) this winter as representatives from the international company paid a visit to the Diesel Technology program. The main reason for the visit from the Albany-based operation was to …
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