Shared Food Service Provides Free Meals This Summer

Students to be provided meals free of charge this summer Capital Region BOCES’ Shared Food Service will provide meals to all children 18 years and younger free of charge this summer by participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program (SFSP).  Beginning July 5, 2022  through August 12, 2022, breakfast and lunch …

Celebrating Our Career & Technical School Grads

Students from each of our three Career & Technical Education campus were celebrated for their many accomplishments and received certificates of completion, honors and awards during ceremonies this June. The ceremonies marked students’ completion of our one- and two-year programs,  including culinary, cosmetology, commercial, health careers and residential construction, criminal justice, sterile processing, video game …

Video: Celebrating Our Students At BOCES Signing Day

Catch the Signing Day excitement with this video See and hear what our Career & Technical School students and their future employers had to say during the inaugural Capital Region BOCES Signing Day. Video produced by the New York State Department of Labor.

Statement On NYSPHSAA Rule Regarding Hair Beads

Updated April 26, 2022  The New York State Public High School Athletic Association’s (NYSPHSAA) Officers unanimously voted in favor of placing a moratorium upon the prohibition of hair adornments until its member schools can adequately address this topic and concerns. Capital Region BOCES officials thank NYSPHSAA for their swift action on this important issue. We …

Workforce Development Grant Helps “Energize” Student Learning

Electricity and gas utility company National Grid is awarding our BOCES a $100,000 Workforce Development Grant that will directly benefit dozens of Career & Technical Education students from the Capital Region to the Schoharie Valley.  Specifically, the funds will be used to: purchase four heavy equipment simulators to train heavy equipment students to operate backhoes, …

Students Shine At Regional SkillsUSA Competition

Nearly two dozen Career & Technical Education students showed in-depth knowledge of the skilled trades and earned medals at the regional SkillsUSA competition Wednesday, March 16. The students showed expertise in such diverse areas as carpentry, commercial baking, diesel engine repair and networking. They competed against their peers from Questar III and other BOCES during …

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