Call it a lesson forged in steel.
Students from the Capital Region BOCES Welding and Metal Fabrication program met with officials at the STS Steel plant in Schenectady this week, learning about the operation and all of the opportunities that exist in the industry.
Joining their counterparts from other schools and colleges, the Career & Technical Education students toured the plant, met with officials from colleges and the American Welding Society, and tested their skills in a virtual welding simulator provided by the society.
“It was an excellent event. It really got my students amped up about the possibilities that exist,” said Welding and Metal Fabrication teacher Don Mattoon.

Approximately 70 students from the Career & Technical Education Center – Albany Campus took part in the activities at STS Steel’s one-of-a-kind, 62,000-square-foot facility in downtown Schenectady.
“It’s important to introduce students to opportunities that exist that they might not otherwise be aware of,” said STS Steel CEO Glenn Tabolt. ‘We do a lot of cool projects, bridges, we build locks, and it can be very satisfying to work here and say, ‘I built that’.”
Indeed, students said they wanted to learn more about STS Steel and careers in the industry.
“Definitely sounds like interesting place to work. I appreciate the opportunity to visit and learn more about what they do,” said Ryan Vandenburg, who attends the BOCES program from the South Colonie Central School district.
“I have only driven by it and it’s interesting to learn more about what they do,” added Joe Bearcroft, a Scotia-Glenville student at BOCES.
Among the workers the students met with was Capital Region BOCES class of 2019 graduate Mike Palleschi.
“I have learned so much being here, I would not change it for the world,” he told the students.
Palleschi said that BOCES made his career possible and even introduced him to the STS Steel operation.
“I actually came here with BOCES for Manufacturing Day in 2019 and after a couple of other work stops, I am here again as an employee,” he said. “Attending BOCES gave me an actual starting point and gave me connections.”
American Welding Society President Michael Krupnicki told the students that the opportunities in the industry are endless.
“You can earn a lot of money and have a nice lifestyle. Every state in the union needs welders. Once you have these skills, you will always be in demand,” he said.
For more information on the Capital Region BOCES Welding and Metal Fabrication program, visit