10,000 Cookies spread over 130 platters.

That’s what Capital Region BOCES students produced on the Career & Technical Education Center – Albany Campus recently as they prepared to make good on orders for cookie platters.
The students in Erica Weakley’s Food Services and Culinary Arts and Hospitality Tech classes baked and prepared the cookies, while also completing other regularly scheduled tasks and lessons.
Students in Chef Paul Rother’s class Culinary Arts class helped the students assemble and package the orders.
The platters sold for $10 and raised funds for the SkillsUSA chapter on campus.
“This was a stressful, hard lesson, but worthwhile,” said Food Services student Kayla Colon, who attends BOCES from Schalmont High School.

“The students did an absolutely amazing job,” said Weakley.
“Fulfilling an order of this magnitude is something they may never experience before entering the workforce, so this provides them with a valuable experience they can reference in the future,” she said.
SkillsUSA Advisory Gretchen McDonough said the fundraiser is a “fantastic” opportunity for the students and very rewarding to the organization, which will use the proceeds of the event to pay for students to compete in the regional and state SkillsUSA competitions later this school year.
SkillsUSA is a career and technical student organization serving more than 395,000 high school students. The organization promotes personal and professional growth and offers students the opportunity to network with industry executives and professionals at the local, regional, state and national levels and to compete in competitions. The organization also promotes giving back to the community, which locally results in collections each year for food pantries and city missions.