Capital Region BOCES Mitigation Plan*

Updated March 2022 

Community Transmission

The CDC has adopted new thresholds for community-level factors related to COVID-19 mitigation.

Levels are defined as low (green), medium (yellow) and high (orange), based on three metrics:

  • Hospitalizations with COVID (not just for COVID)
  • Hospital bed availability
  • New COVID cases

Capital Region BOCES will collaborate with local county health officials, act accordingly in case of shifting transmission rates and determine if or when different mitigation strategies are warranted.

Low (Green) – Limited impact on the healthcare system, low levels of severe disease

Medium (Yellow) – Some impact on the healthcare system, more people with severe disease

High (Red) – High potential for the healthcare system strain; high level of severe disease

People may choose to mask at any time. However, people with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask. If you are immunocompromised, learn more about how to protect yourself.

Capital Region BOCES Mitigation Plan continues to employ a multi-pronged approach, including, but not limited to:

  • Hygiene protocols – Regular and routine cleaning, availability of hand sanitizer, etc.
  • Testing and availability of test kits – For school personnel and families for diagnostic and surveillance purposes. 
  • Isolation of sick individuals – In accordance with CDC guidance, there continues to be a required time out of school/work if you are diagnosed with COVID-19.
  • Masking – Masks are currently optional and available as needed. 
  • Vaccination access – If you would like information on getting vaccinated please let us know and we can help you schedule a vaccine appointment with our local health agencies.

Mitigation Protocol 1 – COVID-19 Testing & Vaccines

Application and Intensity

  • Continued opportunities for testing of symptomatic individuals/diagnostic
  • Vaccination strongly recommended for all eligible individuals
  • Capital Region BOCES will organize and inform of vaccination PODs if/when they are available

Mitigation Protocol – 2 Facemasks Indoors

Application and Intensity

  • Parental/guardian choice and optional for individual protection
  • Individuals who choose to do so, should wear the most protective mask they can, that fits well and is worn consistently. Information on mask-wearing.  
  • Masks will be available as needed. Students who would like a mask can check with their principal or school nurse. 
  • There is no stigma with wearing or not wearing a mask, and Capital Region BOCES shall foster an environment of respect focused on parent and student choice.

Mitigation Protocol – 3 Facemasks Outdoors

Application and Intensity

  • Parental/guardian choice and optional for individual protection
  • Individuals who choose to do so should wear the most protective mask they can, that fits well and is worn consistently. Information on mask-wearing.
  • Masks will be available as needed. Students who would like a mask can check with their building or school nurse.
  • There is no stigma with wearing or not wearing a mask, and Capital Region BOCES shall foster an environment of respect focused on parent and student choice.

Mitigation Protocol – 4 Social/Physical Distancing Indoors

Application and Intensity

  • BOCES wants instructional environments to be dynamic and the learning experience to be authentic.
  • Small groups and interactive learning opportunities are permissible.
  • Whenever feasible, the BOCES will look to take advantage of spaces to allow for physical distancing.

Mitigation Protocol – 5 Handwashing/Hand Sanitizer, and Respiratory Etiquette

Application and Intensity

  • Strongly encouraged
  • Adequate supplies for frequent hand hygiene will be available. 
  • Signs will continue to be posted to remind individuals

Mitigation Protocol – 6 Cleaning and Disinfection

Application and Intensity

  • Daily routine cleaning
  • BOCES will ensure adherence to cleaning and disinfection requirements as advised by Disinfecting and Cleaning of Facilities
  • Protocols for daily disinfection of all spaces will continue to be reviewed extensively with cleaning and custodial staff.

Mitigation Protocol – 7 Ventilation and Air Quality

Application and Intensity

  • Increase ventilation with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible (e.g., opening windows and doors) while maintaining health and safety protocols.
  • Consistent maintenance and assessment of all heating and cooling systems.

Mitigation Protocol – 8 Contact Tracing and Quarantine

Application and Intensity

  • Pursuant to applicable DOH Regulations.

Mitigation Protocol – 9 Testing of Potential Positive Cases/Surveillance and Diagnostic Testing

Application and Intensity

  • Pursuant to applicable DOH Regulations.
  • Rapid test kits are widely distributed to parents/guardians, as well as available in nurse’s offices.
  • Parent/guardian consent is required for students to be tested by nurses.

Mitigation Protocol – 10 Staying Home When Sick 

Application and Intensity

  • Pursuant to applicable DOH Regulations.
  • Students and staff are instructed to stay home if they have any signs of infectious illness.

Mitigation Protocol – 11 Recess, Playground, and Physical Education Masking (outdoors)

Application and Intensity

  • Parental/guardian choice and optional for individual protection.
  • Individuals who choose to do so, should wear the most protective mask they can that fits well and wear consistently. Information on mask-wearing.
  • Masks available as needed. Students who would like a mask can check with their principal or the school nurse.
  • There is no stigma with wearing or not wearing a mask, and Capital Region BOCES shall foster an environment of respect focused on parent and student choice.

Mitigation Protocol – 12 Cafeteria 

Application and Intensity

  • Proper hand hygiene before eating.

Mitigation Protocol – 13 Volunteers & Visitors

Application and Intensity

  • Pursuant to normal school building protocols.

*Capital Region BOCES Mitigation Plan retains the flexibility to make future options available and is subject to modification based on emerging circumstances and/or applicable laws, rules and regulations.