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On Aug. 9, 2022, voters residing within Capital Region BOCES component districts and the City School District of Albany approved the proposition to sell two buildings that have housed our Career & Technical Education and Special Education programs.
The proposition passed, with 874 votes in favor and 53 opposed.
The buildings slated for sale are the former Career & Technical Education, Albany Campus located at 1015 Watervliet-Shaker Road in Albany and Maywood School located at 1979 Central Ave in Albany.
The Career & Technical Education Center, Albany Campus and Maywood Academy will now be located in new, state-of-the-art facilities at 925 Watervliet-Shaker Road in Albany. Their former buildings will no longer be used.
There is no tax impact from the sale of the two sites currently under Capital Region BOCES ownership.
Work on the new Career & Technical Education Center and Special Education school began in early 2021. Both schools are complete and opening for learning in September 2022.