Students from some of our adult and high school programs found a warm reception from recruiters during a recent heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R) job fair on our Career & Technical School Albany campus.
Armed with resumes and portfolios, students met one-by-one with such area HVAC/R employers as Eastern Heating & Cooling and Crisafulli Bros. Plumbing & Heating Contractors, Inc.
“It was very interesting to see what’s out there and get my name out there,” said Tirajae Pierre, a senior from Mohonasen.
“It was a great opportunity to get out there, see what all the different (career) options are and gauge the level of interest that exists,” added Brad Horan, a senior from Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake (BHBL).
Both students are hopeful of starting work with one of the companies soon. Employers said there is no doubt several of the students present will be interviewed in the coming week.
“The industry is desperate to hire people with the skills necessary for the careers; employers can’t find the help they need” explained teacher Tim Duane, a two-decade veteran of the heating and cooling industry.
“We have identified several students to bring in for an interview,” added Buddy Tricarick, president of Eastern Heating & Cooling Inc. “We are excited about our relationship with BOCES and the ability to fill our labor needs going forward.”
Job Outlook Strong For Student In Skilled Trades
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects employment of HVAC/R technicians will grow five percent by 2030 with HVAC technicians earning a median salary of $50,590 per year in 2020.
The job outlook is particularly strong for students “familiar with computers and electronics and those with good troubleshooting skills… as employers continue to have difficulty finding qualified technicians to work on complex new systems,” federal labor officials have reported.
Learn more about our Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) Program
Recruitment is underway for the 2022-23 school year. Learn More About Our Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) program and the other 40+ programs offered through our Career & Technical School.