Global Fashion Studies
Albany Campus
Students enrolled in Global Fashion Studies have the opportunity to study creative design and core business concepts while applying them to the world of fashion. Further exploration will include careers in fashion, merchandising, marketing, retailing and e-tailing.
With society’s ever-increasing focus on fashion trends, star apparel and more, this field is perfect for students with strong design skills, a strong imagination or just a desire to stand out.
Leadership skills are emphasized along with creativity, problem-solving, writing, communications and presentation skills. In addition, students are exposed to state-of-the-art technology skills used by fashion industry professionals.
Hands-on fashion career exploration is included in all phases of this course. As a college prep program, students may have opportunities to research and visit top fashion colleges during their course studies.
Students will be guided through the development of a fashion trade portfolio showcasing their best work.
Work-based learning opportunities will be available to students to work with local retailers at area shopping malls to learn visual display and merchandising.