Instructional Value-Added Base Service

Per New York State Education Department (NYSED) CoSer guidelines, general staff development services to districts require that BOCES’ establish a base-fee structure and that a district subscribe to the base service before a district can receive aid on staff development services. The fee is determined by the number of students in the district. Any service that has a CoSer activity code of 6211 is eligible for aid if the district subscribes to this service.

Activities and benefits included in the base service are as follows:

  • Aid for district staff attendance in shared district workshops.
  • Aid for in-district staff training/consultation by BOCES employees.
  • Aid for cooperative curriculum development projects involving at least two districts.
  • Successive sharing of consultants in district after shared activity.
  • NYS Alternate Assessment administration training and support.
  • Aid for Inquiry Based Data Driven Professional Development.
  • Turnkey workshops to provide districts with up-to-date information from NYSED regarding all initiatives.
  • Custom trend reports for English Language Arts (ELA) and math.
  • Meetings for elementary and secondary administrators, and school counselors.
  • Support with the Next Generation Learning Standards in planning for implementation.
  • Support with Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).