High school junior learning a truck load of skills as she sets out on a non-traditional career path

Lydia Waage is not your typical female in high school and her goals for the future aren’t either. But that is OK with her. In fact, she absolutely loves it. The Cobleskill-Richmondville junior is enrolled in the Heavy Equipment Repair and Operation program at Capital Region BOCES, and she hopes her studies at BOCES will …

Event seeks to draw female students into the skilled trades

Freshmen and sophomore female high school students from area school districts will take part next week in the annual Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical Education Center Women in the Trades luncheon. The March 5 event is designed to raise awareness of the women in the trades and encourage young students to pursue their passion …

Students ‘etch’ a bright future in steel at Capital Region BOCES

High school juniors at Capital Region BOCES have their futures etched in steel – literally. The students in the Automotive Collision Technology program were combining on Feb. 24 a lesson in science with a useful skill in preparation for their professional future. Integrated science teacher Brian Conway led the students in a lab that used …

Students: We learn better at BOCES because we are treated as professionals

Students learning a skilled trade find that being treated as professionals makes learning easier. Whether preparing surgical carts at Albany Medical Center, teaching pre-kindergarten students at the YMCA or repairing large truck engines under a tight deadline, high school juniors and seniors are taught not just the technical skills necessary to succeed, but the professional …

Students learn by preparing surgical instruments at Albany Medical Center

Patients having a fracture surgically set or a biopsy undertaken at Albany Medical Center may be exposed to the work of Capital Region BOCES Career and Technical School students. That is because students in the Sterile Processing Technician program spend class time each week at Albany Medical Center, learning how the hospital sterilizes medical equipment …

Story and video! Employers recruit CTE students while expanding students’ industry knowledge

  More than a dozen cosmetology industry businesses recruited prospective new employees at the Capital Region BOCES Career & Technical Education Center – Albany Campus on Monday. The salons, beauty supply industry providers and other entities met with nearly 100 area juniors and seniors enrolled in the Career & Technical School’s Cosmetology program on the …

Capital Region BOCES launches month-long celebration of Career & Technical Education

Capital Region BOCES is celebrating national Career & Technical Education (CTE) Month throughout February with a series of events at its Career and Technical Education Center – Albany and Schoharie campuses. The events highlight the unique partnership Capital Region BOCES maintains with more than 300 business, education and labor organizations—a partnership that helps students not …

Capital Region BOCES honored with Community Partner Award

On Friday, Jan. 24, the Albany Diocesan School Board presented Capital Region BOCES with its Community Partner Award. This award is given to organizations that demonstrate a commitment to working with the diocesan system of schools and contribute to education in the Capital Region. “It is an honor to receive this award in recognition of …

Adult Practical Nursing students praise new Simulation (Sims) Lab

A mannequin that can breathe, cry, give birth and even scream. It may seem like a setting for a horror movie, but instead it’s a lab at the Capital Region BOCES Adult Health Careers Center and it is helping to educate the next generation of healthcare workers in the Capital Region. Students in the adult …

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